Hi! I’m Terri Creech, WEPO 2011 Professional Development Session Lead. I am looking forward to meeting you all! A little bit about me: I am a senior in Industrial Engineering and I’ve been interning with General Electric Energy in Minden, Nevada since January 2011. I’ve had the opportunity to travel frequently with my job and I’ve really enjoyed the West. I was able to ski 24 days in the Sierra Nevada Mountains this winter! It was due to the Women in Engineering Program at Penn State that I was even able to have this opportunity in the first place.
At my session, you will learn about various resources available to you at Penn State, become acquainted with the crucial Penn State online tools like Webmail and ANGEL, and build your first resume before you even step into your first class! In order to get the most out of the session, prepare the following things prior to coming to WEPO:
- Make sure you know your 9-digit ID, your email address, and your password. You should have set this up at FTCAP. If you have not done FTCAP prior to WEPO, you will have an opportunity to do it during the orientation.
- A list of activities, leadership positions, volunteer roles, awards, and jobs that you had during your last two years of high school and the summer before.
- Any questions you might have regarding professional development and Penn State resources.
WEPO is a great experience and sets you up with strong connections inside and outside the college. WEPO will only enhance your experience at Penn State and is certainly worth your last three days of summer.
Encouraging, Empowering, and Inspiring Women in Engineering.