Saturday, August 15, 2015

Internship Advice

After you’ve gotten an internship you’re going to be so excited and you’re probably going to wonder what to do once you reach your internship.  This post is going to give you advice on how to navigate the summer.
  1. Make a ton of new friends from across the country
  2. Learn new things everyday
  3. Understand exactly what’s expected of you
  4. Do not be afraid to ask questions
  5. Take weekends trips and go on some adventures
  6. Build a network of people that will support you even after the internship
  7. Learn from employees around you by going to talks and observing others in action
  8. Be creative and offer your opinion
  9. Be open minded to other’s ideas and thoughts
  10. Don’t forget to call your family once in a while - they keep you grounded

It’s super easy to get lost in corporate America, but always remember that everyone started from somewhere.  You may be at the bottom of the food chain, but take this amazing opportunity to learn as much as you can.  You’ll be ahead of the game when it comes to finding a full-time job and being a full-time employee.  Keep up the good word and don’t forget to always believe in yourself!

Ria Bhatia is a junior majoring in Computer Science, and is a Mentor for WEPO'15!

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