Friday, August 5, 2022

Great Study Spots on Campus

By: Team K

Penn State has lots of great study space options, from quiet nooks in the library where you can focus on exam studying to collaborative, open spaces like the HUB where you can work together with your friends. It is great to find all different types of study spots: quiet, loud, indoors, outdoors, etc. You may have a type of study spot you prefer, but it is great to have different options for different types of studying. Trying different study spaces is fun because you get to explore, but it also is very helpful to give yourself a new space to help you focus. Whether working on a take-home exam or a group project, you can find the perfect spot for your studying needs at Penn State!

Studying in your dorm room can be a good option for some people. It is your own private space where you have everything you might need. However, we encourage you to find places outside of your dorm room where you can study so that you can keep your studying separate from your down time as much as possible. Also, many people find that they are more productive when they work in a different setting from where they sleep. Almost all dorm buildings and commons buildings have study spaces that are helpful if you want to stay close to your dorm room.

 The library is a popular study spot with lots of different study environments. There are common spaces out in the open with tables and chairs, tech labs with desktop computers, study rooms that you can reserve in advance, and individual desks in the secluded stacks sections. There is also a tech help desk and a Starbucks that are great if you have a laptop issue or need some food!

Westgate is a favorite indoor/outdoor study spot combination. This building is located in West campus and doubles as both a classroom building as well as a bridge over North Atherton. It offers outdoor tables on and around the bridge where you can get some fresh air as well as modern-looking indoor study spots with large tables for group work. There is also a small Panera located within the building if you want to grab a coffee or quick snack! You can catch a beautiful sunset as you finish up your evening studying too!

Empty classrooms can also be great options for getting work done between classes. If you have a free period of class, you can find an empty classroom to work on some homework. The classrooms in Hammond are popular options for this in the evenings! Studying in classrooms also offers the added benefits of having a chalkboard easily at your disposal if you like working on these. There is usually extra chalk lying around the classroom or an adjacent classroom, so you do not have to worry about bringing this with you.

In addition to empty classrooms, you can also arrive at your classes and study early before they start! It is great to socialize before classes as well, and you can work on homework for the class with some friends as you wait for the professor to lecture. This can be a great way to meet new people and can help you succeed in the class. It is always helpful to know at least one person in the class to ask questions or be able to help, and studying before class together can be a great way to foster this connection!

University Park is such a large campus with so much to explore. As you get to know the campus, keep an eye out for places where you could do homework or study. We mentioned some of our favorites in this blog, but there are tons more to try out. You never know where you might find your favorite study spot! You are at Penn State to learn and grow, and it is important that you find spaces to support yourself in learning your coursework. Studying is an important part of being a college student, so find places that help you enjoy this activity and can benefit the most. Explore new study spots to find what is right for you!

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