Friday, August 16, 2019

Netflix: How much binging is too much?

One ice breaker question I can bet you heard at NSO is “What is your favorite show on Netflix?” You will probably be asked this at WEPO too. Coming into my first year I was worried that I would spend too much of my free time watching shows in my dorm instead of getting involved and making new friends. 

While there were definitely times over my freshman year that I may have spent too much time watching The Office or binging the new season of Santa Clarita Diet while I should have been studying, after my first few weeks I was able to find groups and clubs that were a better use of my time and better for me as a whole.

If you are worried about finding clubs on campus or making friends those first few weeks like I was, there are many resources for you in order to find groups and clubs that fit to your interests. One of the biggest events to find something to fill your free time is the Involvement Fair which occurs at the beginning of the semester. At the Involvement Fair there are hundreds of booths that feature club sports, THON Orgs, and clubs for almost every interest you can think of from community service to coffee to beekeeping. After talking to members of groups I was interested in, I was able to try out different clubs by going to meetings and seeing what was the best fit for me. If your schedule doesn’t line up with the Involvement Fair, all the student organizations are listed on Penn State’s website along with contact information so you can reach out and get involved.

Another great resource for learning about what Penn State has to offer is your WEPO leadership team! We are all here to help you transition into your first year and all want to see you thrive, so don’t be afraid to ask questions about an organization or club that you think you might be interested in because we probably can connect you to someone that’s involved. When I was a mentee, my mentor helped me out with finding clubs I would be interested in and for applying to be on a THON committee which I am so thankful for. 

While there are definitely times that call for a turning off of your brain and relaxing to an addicting show on Netflix or Hulu (theHandmaid's Tale anyone?), I really encourage you to put yourself out there and try new things to get yourself involved on campus. Even try watching some of The Office with your new friends. So get out there and get involved! I can guarantee you won’t regret it and will be able to make some new friends along the way. 

Rachael Owens

Team N Envoy

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