Thursday, August 13, 2020

Fun Stress & Trying Something New

Sports -

It is important to find relaxing activities to enjoy while caught up in the stressful school environment!  I have always enjoyed sports and other activities and that did not change in college. At Penn State, there are hundreds of clubs that you are bound to find a club that works for you as an outlet that isn’t school. Finding the perfect club or organization can be a challenge. However don’t worry, Penn State has the fall involvement fair for you to learn about and sign up for any club you want! This year it will be online so you don’t have to worry about not having enough time to go around to every table in hub lawn.  This allows you to gander and really choose which club or clubs you think you will enjoy the most. If you were involved in sports in high school there are countless club, intramural and rev sports to choose.  I personally have loved playing pick up soccer in the IM building. There are sports for all levels and interests! Also if sports aren’t for you, there are so many art clubs and even niche interest clubs like Coffee Club. Whatever your interest, there is a way to pursue it. 

Coffee Club - Coffee & Tea Gifts

While looking at all these clubs can be exciting it can also be overwhelming. Do not feel pressured to join tons of clubs, it’s okay to pick a select few. Many people recommend 2 to 3 clubs or organizations to be heavily involved in. Otherwise you may be too busy and not be able to commit fully. You also want to be able to enjoy the clubs and use them as an outlet for stress.  Finding a group of people you relate to and enjoy hanging out with is key. It is important to still have fun, make friends all over campus, not just within engineering, and relax. Clubs and organizations at Penn State are meant to enhance your experience within the community. 

Make sure to make the best choice for you and have fun! College is a time to grow and develop your interests and you learn and grow as an individual!

I know it sounds cliche but during your time at Penn State try something new!! There are so many clubs and organizations that are offered to Penn State students and I would recommend joining one that involves something you have never done before. My sophomore year I joined the Penn State snowboarding club with a few of my friends and I have never gone snowboarding or skiing before. Many clubs accept people of all sorts of experience and skill levels, so I decided to learn how to snowboard. Club snowboard offers a good amount of trips throughout the year. Myself and some friends decided to go on the Quebec, Canada trip to make it a really fun and unique experience. Going on the trip, at first I was nervous because I still was new to snowboarding but it was a great decision. My friends and I took a few lessons while there and got to explore Quebec with a bunch of other Penn Staters. Sure I definitely fell a lot and ended up with a few bruises by the end of the week, but this trip was one of my favorite experiences I’ve had, plus there were some awesome photo ops (see below).

Many clubs offer trips and activities for you to get to know new people and make some amazing friends. Go explore something that you maybe had thought of doing or something you never thought you would do. Now is the time to try new things and broaden your experiences. Also one of the best things about many of these clubs is that they are as big of a commitment as you want them to be, so you will get out exactly what you put into it. If you decide something isn’t for you, there are a ton of other things you can try out and join. Make the most of your four or five years at Penn State by getting out of your comfort zone and trying something new - you will not regret it, I know I don’t!

Megan Ostertag            Rachael Owens

Team M Mentor             Team M Mentor

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