Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Being healthy at school

I know being at school can be very overwhelming at first and it’s easy to just grab something unhealthy that's faster for you, but nutrition is something you need to think of and even have it play into your time managing. I found that living in east getting something quick from the Big O was the easiest breakfast and I could eat it on the bus on the way to class. But eating fat foods not only make you gain weight but they make you tired and lazy too. You need to fuel your body for the day to be able to stay alert for class so here's some tips to make that work for you!

1)      Eat Breakfast! Even if you aren’t hungry because it helps you to stay awake in class and this way if you have class until later on you're not busy thinking about how hungry you are. A good breakfast food to pick is cereal. The whole grains are a great healthy way to start your day and something like an omelet or pancakes can fill you up too much and make you feel sleepy.
2)      Drink water! It's important to flush out any bad stuff your body retains. Make sure you’re drinking your recommended eight glasses as well.
3)      Eat fruits and vegetables! The Big O and West Wing always have fruit cups and vegetables with ranch. Even though the ranch isn’t that great for you it’s important to get your serving for the day so bring one of these to go cups to class with you to hold you over until you can sit down for a proper meal!
4)      Eat early! You should really eat before 7 pm each night because although having a snack while you’re up late studying is tempting, the energy you are fueling your body with can keep you up later than you want it to. Plan to study earlier so you don’t have to want to stay up.
5)      Find a routine that works! The first week or two of college is often overwhelming and chaotic, but once you get used to your class schedule, it's important to figure out convenient times when you are free to eat meals. They will most likely vary from day to day, but creating a routine for each day will help you avoid the eat-and-run.
6)      Exercise! Try to exercise 3-4 times a week to burn off any unwanted calories. A great tip is to exercise in the morning it’s a great way to start your day if you have the time before your classes!
7)      Make smart choices! There are not necessarily healthier but definitely better food options everywhere you go. If you and your friends MUST take a study break and decide to go to the McDonalds downtown, try choosing something like a grilled chicken sandwich instead of a cheeseburger because you’ll save a lot of the calories. Fresh express in east halls has healthier options rather than Roxy's or The Big O.
8)      Get Creative! (I found this one off of a website) Ramen noodles are a staple among college students, so Jolene (nutritionist from this website) has a few suggestions:
-- Drain out some of the liquid portion since it may have half a day's worth of sodium
-- Add 1-2 cups of frozen vegetables before heating up the ramen noodles to get extra fiber, vitamins and minerals
-- Add 2-3 ounces of lean chicken, beans, or tofu for added protein and fiber
-- Reduce the portion size of the ramen noodles when adding in other foods to cut down on the calories, saturated fat, and sodium content.    

Hopefully these tips will help you make better food and exercise choices and lead you to a healthier happier college lifestyle!

Camilla Proffitt is a Junior in Civil Engineering. She will be a WEPO Mentor this year and is also involved in Phi Sigma Rho, SHPE, and ASCE. This past summer she interned with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation in Allentown, PA.

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