Monday, August 13, 2012

Feeling Overwhelmed? Yep, That’s Normal.

It’s less than two weeks before move-in and you have stuff everywhere!  Informational packets from Penn State, a growing pile of items that you don’t want to forget for your dorm, and of course getting ready for WEPO.  It may seem overwhelming, but that’s ok.  I’d like to say that things settle down once classes start, but not really.  Being busy is part of college life. However, you don’t have to let your schedule and to-do list rule your college experience.  Here are some tips on how to minimize stress to have a great freshman year.
  1. Get a planner and use it!  You may have a perfect memory, but everyone makes mistakes. If that mistake is missing the homework submission deadline or forgetting to wake up for an exam, it could impact your grades.  Writing appointments and assignments down helps you keep things from falling through the cracks.  (Sticky notes and reminders work well too!) I have a friend that uses her iPad for keeping track of appointments and assignments. Whatever works for you, do it!
  2. Stay on top of deadlines.  Knowing when projects are due helps you budget your time better and eliminates the all-nighter before the project is due.  You’ll find that you do have time for that late-night run to the Creamery.
  3. Take time for yourself!   When you’re starting to stress out, take a short break.  Go for a run, get out of your room, grab a snack, or go hang out with friends.  Your brain will have a chance to refresh so that you can focus and be more productive when you get back to work.

Finally, the most important thing to remember is: YOU’RE NOT ALONE!  Everyone else is in the same boat!  Your mentors and rovers are here to help you with all of your pre-move in worries and nerves so feel free to call us with any questions or concerns.  We are also great resources throughout the semester so don’t forget to keep in touch!

So don’t stress out! Take a deep breath and relax.  You’re about to start some of the best years of your life!  

Christine Hildenbrand is a junior in Mechanical Engineering. This summer she is working for ConocoPhilips in NJ. Christine is a mentor for WEPO 2012.

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