Monday, August 13, 2012

What to Pack for College!

Hi! My name is Erin Miller and this is my 4th WEPO!! I have been a participant, Rover, Mentor, and this year I am the Success Strategies Lead! The best part of my summer so far has been helping my sister get ready for her first year at Shippensburg University! Even though she didn't pick Penn State, I've still been able to help her with a couple of key items that are dorm room must haves.

Clothes-comfy, dressy, professional, for warm weather and cold weather (hats, gloves & scarves)
Shoes - RAIN BOOTS!, flip flops, sneakers, dress shoes, snow boots
Jackets - winter, fall, rain
Space bags/Under the bed boxes - have you seen the infomercial for those backs that you vacuum the air out of? They work! Not for as long as they say they do in the commercial but long enough to transport your stuff. Pillows, blankets and sweaters take up a lot of room, but using these bags help reduce that amount of room!
Sheets – the typical dorm room beds are XL Twins. (I love the jersey sheet sets from Target)
Bed Risers
Room Decorations - Posters, pictures, string lights, streamers, sticky tack, thumb tack, masking tape/duct tape (come on you need this, you’re an engineer now!)/electrical tape [Command Strips work great because they always work and they don’t damage the walls - which could cost money!]
Rug - may want to talk with your roommate but this is nice for right under your bed
Shower Shoes - those $1 old navy flip flops are awesome for this
Shower Caddy
Shower Supplies – Shampoo, soap, facewash, make-up, etc.
Medicine/First aid Supplies – Band-Aids, Neosporin, thermometer, Advil
Laundry Basket
Fan – Walmart has awesome window box fans for like $15, for the summer heat these are perfect
Alarm Clock
Lamp – for your desk or next to your bed
Brita – I have a 6 cup size and it fits pretty comfortably in the dorm refrigerators
Computer & all necessary cords
Ethernet Cord - the longer the better, it’s better to have too long than not long enough
Printer - may not be necessary but it can be useful
Printer paper - you are given 100 sheets per semester to print on in the computer labs, USE DOUBLE SIDED it helps make it last longer
Extra ink: it’s always good to have an extra set, because you never know when you’ll run low at 2 am the night before a project is due.  I found that the ink at the Penn State Computer Store (in the HUB) is cheaper than at the HUB Bookstore. There is also a place downtown to fill up your old cartridges. 
Dishes – you don’t need a whole set just 1-2 of each (for you and a friend)
Water bottle 
Cleaning supplies!
Clorox wipes
Swiffers (Swiffer WetJet = Lifesaver)
Dish Soap
Sponges/dish things to clean
Laundry detergent/bleach/dryer sheets
Your calculator (or 2) - Most chemistry and economics classes will require a non-programmable scientific calculator, but I’d also bring your favorite.  You are an engineer, of course.  We have stereotypes to uphold!

Things you should get when you move in, it will help save space in the car!

Case of water/drinks
School supplies** After WEPO, you will be given a card for the Student Book Store for 10% off books and 20% off anything else for a few days.  This is a HUGE benefit!  Books can cost upwards of $300 for the semester, so saving $30 just paid for that fancy new sweatshirt!
Pen, pencils, highlighters, white out, markers, permanent markers
Binders, Folders, Notebooks, Loose Leaf, Printer Paper, Dividers, Academic planner
Post its, thumb tacks, sticky tak, tape - covered above!
Dry erase board for your door, dry erase calendar, dry erase markers
Textbooks** again you have this AWESOME coupon for this and you do not have to buy all of your books before you begin class. Your teacher will tell you how much you’re going to use your book so you can determine if you should make that investment.

Things to talk over with your roomie (split up the load!)

DVD player
Video game systems
Vacuum cleaner (you can borrow one from the commons but it isn’t always available, it is just convenient if you want to bring your own)
Floor Length Mirror

Erin Miller is a senior in Architectural Engineering. This summer Erin studied abroad in Rome, Italy. She is the Success Strategies Lead for WEPO 2012.

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