Monday, June 29, 2020

School Supplies

Let's start college off with a list of “must haves” for you to be the most successful you can be in class! Having the right school supplies can make a huge difference in studying and studying efficiently. School supplies CAN be pricey, but there are many tips and tricks to help keep the cost as low as possible. 
One way to do this is waiting to buy books until the professor says you need them. Waiting until after the first week of class is a good solution to keep book costs down as low as possible because some professors will admit the "required text" is actually optional. When you finally go book shopping there are still more ways to effectively shop and keep the price down. The best deals for books would be to look on Amazon, Ebay, or other resources like these and to buy used or rent books. One tip to look at all places around campus and online and compare prices. Some stores can be more expensive than others so no need to jump on the first book you see. Take time and do a little research to find the cheapest price. Knowing the loopholes to get the best deal for your books is one of the best ways to save money when buying school supplies.

There are so many more school supplies that can aid in your success at Penn State other than the obvious. A laptop is a must for college. It’s a good way to keep everything straight, check emails, and work when and where you want. The best advice for what laptop to get is one that you feel comfortable with and know how to use. Don’t get something fancy just because of all the gadgets it has and then have to teach yourself how to use it. It’s better to know how to use your laptop right away to avoid unnecessary stressors such as not knowing how to work your laptop. Another “must have” is a clicker for class. These can get expensive for what they are so it’s best to rent your clicker or borrow from someone else who doesn’t need it anymore if you have that opportunity.

Of course notebooks are a must if you are taking handwritten notes. Luckily, there is even a way to save money on notebooks! There are cheap notebook packets on Amazon that you can order with your books ;) and pick up at the Amazon locker downtown! This can be a much cheaper option. A planner is an absolute must in my opinion! It’s a great way to keep track of all the assignments, exams, meetings, and important dates. It helps get rid of so much unnecessary stress that comes with trying to remember everything. Then, there are of course the common school supplies such as pens, pencils, calculator (make sure you have one approved for test taking), folders, erasers, the list goes on. Some school supplies that I found to be most helpful with studying were sticky notes and highlighters. They help you emphasize notes and jot down some quick points to memorize and can review quickly later. Of course everyone is different and everyone needs to find a study habit with the right supplies that work for them.
There are many other things to worry about when adjusting to college but when it comes to worrying about what school supplies to get and how much money it is going to cost, this blog can be a point of reference to come back and review when it’s time to go shopping.

Gabrielle Wittman
Team A Envoy

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