Penn State has the largest career fair in the country and you will have the chance to visit all four years that you are in school here. The Women in Engineering Program will help give you all the tips you need to succeed at the career fair! Turning your career fair connections into a work experience can take a little extra time.
You have been to the career fair, talked to companies and handed out all the resumes you printed out, now what? For the most part, it is a waiting game for you to hear from companies, but there are some things you can do.
Reach out to the Recruiters
Information Session
One of the beauties of Penn State is all the clubs and organizations that you may get involved with, especially clubs that are within your major. These clubs, such as the Society of Women Engineers, at their monthly meetings, can host company informational sessions. At these sessions, companies will give a presentation about their company, giving a glimpse into the company organization, community, and life. They also leave time at the end of the presentation for any questions. Also, companies may collect resumes and schedule interviews. Often these companies will provide food too! If you are truly interested in the company presenting, it is best to research a little of the company beforehand and be prepared to ask a few questions there. After the presentation, you may be able to speak with the presenters and get their contact information. Like with the career fair, it is best to send them a thank you/follow up afterwards to express your interest in them again and to begin to build a strong connection with them.
A final task after the career fair and before your internship is to polish up your resume, Linkedin page, and continue to practice your interview techniques. You never know when an internship, co-op, or research position may come your way, so it is always good to keep these professional profiles and skills brushed up.
Amanda Clark
Team D Mentor
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