Your first few days on campus are going to be novel and fun, while you explore everything Penn State’s campus has to offer. But after those first few days, you are going to need to sit down and create a livable schedule. While college offers so many amazing experiences, the reason we all come is to learn and earn a degree. In order to get the most out of your college experience, you are going to need to do some planning and time management.
Second, figure out your class schedule and add that to your planner right away. This allows you to see how much time you have for other activities, like going to the gym, eating and studying. I always like to plan the times I go to the gym and eat into my schedule because it keeps me accountable.
Third, when planning your schedule, it can help to consider the number of credits each class is. This is because the number of credits correlates with how much time should be spent on that class, outside of class. For example, a 1 credit class is not going to need nearly as much time as a 4 credit class. Knowing this can help you plan study times for each class accordingly.
Fourth, take a day each week to plan for the upcoming week. I like to plan on Sunday’s as they are usually more relaxed, and I can grab a cup of tea and a snack while I plan. This also gives me an overview of the week ahead. Planning the whole week can also bring to your attention big projects or events that may have slipped your mind. I find it very helpful and calming to know my week before going to bed on Sunday night.
Planning your study times is important. Instead of squeezing in time for cramming, plan out in advance a study schedule. It is helpful to set time aside to go to the library or a study space. I do not recommend studying in your room. Your dorm is going to have a lot more distractions and it will be easier to stray away from studying. I know from experience- short study breaks that lead to two hour naps are NOT productive! However, the choice is yours, make sure you are comfortable and can grind out all the necessary work. If you do not want to leave your dorm, there are study lounges in basically all the dorms too!
I also like to plan what am going to accomplish each study time. When I sit down in the library, I make a list of what I need to accomplish and then number each one based on priority. This helps me make sure I am completing the most urgent and important things. If I do not get to things lower on my priority list in that specific study session, it will be okay.
Finally, all this planning is great and writing down your plan is an awesome way to keep yourself accountable and productive. However, be willing to adapt. Each week will bring different workloads, different test schedules and different extracurriculars. Allowing yourself to change and adapt throughout the week will be important to your success.
Megan Ostertag
Team i Envoy
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