Thursday, May 30, 2013

Exploring the Exciting Fields of Engineering

Hey ladies! My name is Jamie and I’m a rising junior here at Penn State majoring in Industrial Engineering. While I’m completely in love with Penn State now, I can remember how overwhelmed I was during my senior year of high school when faced with the daunting task of choosing a college. I was so excited to have finally committed to Penn State, but the tough decisions didn’t stop there, next I had to decide on a major.
When debating what major to choose, I remember thinking, ‘how am I supposed to know what I want to do with the rest of my life.’ Good news- I didn’t need to know then and you don’t need to decide now. You have almost two years to explore the different engineering curriculums and decide which major seems like the best fit for you. Nevertheless, I do have some advice on how to best find your niche in Penn State’s world of engineering.

First, research the opportunities offered by each engineering discipline. A great place to start are the Penn State Engineering websites- each department has its own site where you can explore the required courses and descriptions for each major. But don’t stop there; reach out to WEPO mentors or rovers in those fields you are considering. Learn about the classes they take, where they work, and what they find so interesting and rewarding about their major. Don’t be shy -we all wanted to be a part of WEPO in order to make your transition easier and are more than willing to talk.

Another helpful tool is “Major Nights”! Each discipline in the College of Engineering offers an informal information session during the fall semester called a major night. These programs can be extremely informative and rewarding as they often act as an open forum to allow you to talk to current students in the major and hear about their varied experiences. (The College of Engineering will provide information about their dates, times, and locations.)

 Lastly, talk to advisors in the different engineering departments. They are extremely knowledgeable on the specifics related to their assigned discipline of engineering and are super qualified to answer questions and offer advice as many have seen tons of students throughout the years, many with the same questions as you.

Most importantly, don’t forget that it is totally okay to change your mind, and your major. I’ve encountered tons of students who change engineering disciplines within the first two years of school, me included. I came into Penn State thinking Chemical Engineering was the perfect fit for me. However, after getting involved in Chemical Engineering research on campus, I realized it wasn’t the right fit for me as I was more of a big picture person. Luckily I had great WEPO mentors who got me in contact with many different students, professors, and advisors to discuss my interests and goals. Ultimately my conversations with these people resulted in my switch to Industrial Engineering. Nevertheless, if I hadn’t kept an open mind and explored all that Penn State Engineering has to offer I may have never found this perfect fit for me.

Ultimately, I want you all to remember not to feel overwhelmed and pressured to commit to an engineering major right away. Feel free to explore all that is out there and don’t be afraid to try something different. Even if you end up discovering an engineering discipline which isn’t the right fit for you as I did, at least you know what you don’t want to be when you grow up, and you are one step closer to figuring out what will truly make you happy.

Jamie Sweeney is a junior studying Industrial Engineering and a Mentor for WEPO'13!

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