Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Summer Options - Study Abroad

San Sebastián, Spain 2017
My best advice I can offer for this blog is to take advantage of the amazing opportunities that you will be offered throughout your time at Penn State. However, these opportunities don’t just occur during the school year – summer is the perfect chance to try something new! Study abroad is one of the most enriching experiences I’ve ever had through Penn State but I had never even considered it as a possibility.
First, let me convince you why it’s so valuable to study abroad. From my experience, companies love to hire candidates with an open outlook and ability to see the bigger picture. Going abroad helps to establish a global perspective of your own which only furthers your value to a company. Next, these top universities abroad don’t just offer general courses; some have excellent engineering classes which will continue to shape you into a world-class engineer. Lastly, trying new things and challenging yourself helps to develop an even better, well-rounded version of yourself. Meeting new people from different cultures and universities also gives you a much broader perspective and sense of appreciation for diversity.
Penn State University, University of Michigan, and Tecnun students and professors
My personal study abroad experience was during this summer for two weeks in San Sebastián, Spain at the Universidad de Navarra at Tecnun Engineering School, taking the Summer by Design Engineering Design course. Not only was the school, staff, and course excellent, but also the program was well-done and exceeded all of my expectations. The place, the people, the food, the art, the culture, the language, the friendships, and the memories were the best items with which I could have filled my summer.
Mentor Casey Mrazik and I travelling in Madrid, in Bilbao’s gardens, at the top of Mount Igeldo
If you’re convinced to go abroad or want more information, check out this website for a general starting point or to filter through any options based on categories like semester or region. Each program also has a financial budget sheet which is very helpful for planning and applying for aid or scholarships if needed. Throughout the school year, there are also many information sessions where you can get feedback from students who did the program the year prior. Meeting with an academic advisor, a global advisor, or past student to discuss can also be very useful (feel free to reach out if you want help or a more in-depth look at my own trip!).
No matter what major, country, duration of time, or cost you might be looking for, there is something that may fit your needs and wants and I highly encourage you to consider an opportunity like this from Penn State – who knows, it could be your best summer yet!   
My engineering design team at Tecnun on the last day of class

By Julia Minakowski

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