Friday, August 4, 2017

Tips and Tricks to Set Up for a Great Semester

Exhilaration, anxiety, debilitating fear, or maybe immense joy might be some of your feelings going into your first week! I know I definitely felt that way my first week, but I managed to calm my anxieties and set myself up for a successful semester.  I tend to be an extremely organized person; I like to write down and plan out everything from mapping out my class locations to meeting my classmates.  I always purchase a planner before each fall semester and with that I am able to plan my semester out from week one.
Mapping Out Your Schedule
Before your first Monday in college, I suggest you take a map and walk to where each of your classes are.  The hardest thing about Penn State is just how big it is and that makes it tough between classes if you do not know where you are going.  By giving yourself plenty of time to walk around campus and explore you will reduce any chances of getting lost between class changes.
Planners, Calendars, or General Reminders
For each class you spend a little bit of time going through the syllabus.  I always take each syllabus and mark on my calendar when each exam is during the semester. This allows me to know ahead of time if I have two exams in the same week or if I need to study ahead for an exam on a Monday because there is the white out game that Saturday.  By using a calendar to mark out important events such as home football games, exams, career fairs, club activities (WEP Wednesday), and other fun events you would like to attend during the semester you are able to see what days you are free to study.   Besides writing out the exam days from the syllabuses I also list all office hours for when it is needed in the future.
I always use a planner where I can physically write things out, but you can always print out a calendar from online to use, or there are various apps you are able to use on your phone.  My favorite app is google calendar, this is because it is easy to set up special dates that you can set up for the whole semester.  You can also use google calendar to link up with your clubs.  
Meeting Your Classmates and Professors
The last great tip I have to do during your first week is to introduce yourself to the person you sit next to in class and your professors.  By talking to the person next to you, you will be able to exchange numbers with them.  Having a classmate’s number in each of your classes allows you to be able to ask them questions if you happen to miss a class or to help you study for exams.  You can even suggest they come to office hours with you because you share the same professor.  
By introducing yourself to your professor he or she will take note that you are trying to form a relationship with them.  This can come in handy when you need a letter of recommendation.  It also makes it easier and less awkward when you go to their office hours.

Overall as long as you organize your life you will set yourself for a great semester, and you will do more than survive in college you will thrive!
By: Sarah Maslakowski

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