Friday, August 2, 2019

Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone to Make the Most of Freshman Year

Penn State is a HUGE place. The opportunities here are exciting and practically endless! Sometimes it can be intimidating to step out there and make the most of everything Penn State has to offer, but the rewards are worth it! Here are some tips for getting out of your comfort zone and having an amazing freshman year:

1. Practice doing things on your own
Independence is both exciting and a little scary. In college, you’ll do more things on your own than ever before...depending on your schedule, some days you might go grocery shopping, workout at the gym, or eat lunch/dinner at a different time than your friends, and that’s okay! It’s important to spend time with other people, but it’s also good to learn to be comfortable with just yourself. Having more independence helps you get a stronger sense of who you are as a person, and can also open doors that you may otherwise have been hesitant to step through, like starting an exciting research position, or even accepting a summer internship away from home.

Pictured: Becoming a more independent person over the past year empowered me to study abroad this summer and travel on my own internationally, something I never thought I could do!

2. Talk to people!
Talk to people down the hall in your dorm, sitting next to you in class, in line at the dining hall...really, pretty much anywhere! Penn State students come from so many different backgrounds and do so many cool things--one of the university’s greatest assets is its 40,000+ students! And remember, every freshman is in the same boat--everyone’s looking to meet people, and starting a conversation with someone might just make their day too! Club meetings are also a great place to talk to new people, especially upperclassmen—they are all passionate about their club and love to talk to new people! Building your network from the start is a great way to build friendships and learn from the people around you.

3. Try something new
Okay, I know you’ve heard this one before, but that’s because it’s great advice! There’s so much going on at Penn State that finding something new is easy (and fun!). Whether it’s joining an IM sports team, trying Lebanese food for the first time, or signing up for a stained glass art class, you never know what you might find and love. Plus, you’ll grow as a person and develop a more open, curious mindset. 

Pictured: You don’t always have to join a club or make a huge time commitment to try something new. Despite not being much of a sports person, I attended my first ever wrestling match with a few friends last year and had a really exciting experience. (Image Credit: Max Petrosky, The Daily Collegian)

I encourage you to keep some of these things in mind this year and give them a try! You may be surprised to find just how much opportunity there is at Penn State, and how much you are capable of accomplishing. Best of luck--I can’t wait to share these next few years with all of you!

Abbie Wagner

Team J Envoy

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