Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Balance, Balance, Balance

Hello to all of the new WEPO girls! Welcome to the next chapter of your education! I would say it’s safe to assume that some of you (probably all of you) are a little nervous to start this new stage in your life- and hopefully excited too! College can definitely be overwhelming and scary at first, but before you know it you will be a pro! The key is to find a balance between your school work and the rest of your life. And there are plenty of ways to do that! Don’t be alarmed if you don’t find that balance right away, it takes some time. But I am going to help fill you in on some ways that you can get it!

First, remember that the main reason you are attending Penn State is to get an education so obviously you always want to stay on top of your schoolwork. But spending every single day just doing homework, studying, and attending class all day is not only going to exhaust you, it will make you very unhappy as well. Think about things you like to do and make it a point to set aside time to do that every day! Maybe if you have a free hour, go to the gym and get some endorphins going through your system. Or if you value time with friends, plan to go eat lunch or dinner together. If you have a favorite show, plan to get your work done earlier so you can set aside that hour to watch your show!

Second, I’m sure you heard all through high school and now entering college that you should get involved. Not to be repetitive but that is great advice! At Penn State, there are hundreds of things to get into- including clubs, sports, etc. Find something that sounds fun or interesting- even if you’ve never done it before! That’s the beauty of going to college, you can try new things and find out what you love. If you’re not sure where to start, you fortunately have about 40 girls on the WEPO leadership team who have plenty of experience in getting involved in several different activities at PSU that you can talk to. By doing this, you will meet so many people and create friendships that will shape your college experience. This will also open up doors to other opportunities in the future and will give you something to look forward to besides just school work.

Finally, don’t forget to keep in touch with the people you love back home! Whether that’s your parents, your siblings, your friends, etc. Make sure you catch up with them every now and then. It’s important to keep your relationships with the people that will be there for you when you need them the most. And I’m sure that they will love hearing from you when you have the time!

A little secret: you can still have a life if you are majoring in engineering! In fact, you will have a more nourishing time if you make it a point to add things to your life that are separate from your engineering classes- you can even do that by joining engineering clubs! It will make you a better-rounded person. Do what you like and find ways to make your time at PSU as enjoyable and rewarding as possible. You only have 4 years so make it count! Get ready for the time of your life, ladies!

Jacki Guillemette is a junior majoring in Mechanical Engineering. She is currently interning with United Technologies Company.  Jacki has served as a Rover and now Mentor for the WEPO program. In addition to WEP, she is involved in ASME, THON's Rules and Regulations Committee and Engineering Ambassadors.

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