Thursday, July 21, 2011

Greetings from Seattle!

Don't ever be afraid to try something new or go somewhere different just because it is familiar to you. Moving out of your comfort zone is one of the most beneficial ways to grow and test your limits. This is true for both coming to Penn State as well as it was for me moving 3,000 miles across the country to a city where I knew no one. I have gone through this experience several times now, from going away to college to moving to two new locations for my internships.

Here is some advice about starting a life somewhere new.
The City of Seattle
1. Be okay with being alone. Learning to work through problems on your own can teach you a lot about yourself. You can learn how to use those problem-solving skills of an engineer to get through anything!
2. Make a good first impression. You will be meeting new people every day. The first impression you give someone is the way they are going to remember you forever unless you develop a longer relationship with them. So always smile :) and be happy and polite!
 3. Always ask questions. If you want to find out the best place to eat, watch a game, go for a run, etc then ask a local or in the case of Penn State an upperclassman. People love to give advice about a place where they live and love!
4. Do your research. Maps become your best friend so embrace them. Look at them often to see where you are going and all the places you want and dream of going as well. Use the tools of the internet to help create a road map for the journey ahead.

A photo of me on Pier 57 at the Waterfront Park in Downtown Seattle

5. Embrace new experiences. Moving somewhere new gives you the chance to do all the things you dreamed of! You have the chance and opportunity to break out of your shell and try a new club or sport. You can be that high school jock turned amazing theater star in college - anything is possible!
6. Never forget you have people back home that love you. And give them a call or send them a letter! It is easy to get caught up with all the craziness of moving somewhere new but don't ever forget to keep your family and friends in the loop on your always changing and exciting life.

Although it seems daunting and scary at first, you all will fall literally IN LOVE with Penn State. I have never met one person who hasn't. So get ready to begin the best four-year (or more) journey of your life! And know that we all have made it through the first new year and are here wishing we could go back again.
The world-famous sunset on Rialto Beach on the west coast on Washington.

Carlye Lauff is a junior majoring in Mechanical Engineering. She has completed internship rotations with Boeing and GE Transportation.  Carlye will serve as a Mentor in WEPO 2011. In addition, Carlye is a involved in the Society of Women Engineers and Triathlon Club.

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