Friday, August 16, 2013

Office Hours

Hey ladies!

I know with it being summer, the last thing you want to think about is class and studying. I have a really great tip as to how to get the most out of your classes and that way is attending OFFICE HOURS. When I first started my freshman year, I had never really heard of office hours and therefore never went.  My second semester freshman year, I was struggling through a math class and my professor encouraged me to meet him after class for his office hours. I figured why not, it couldn't hurt. So I went, and I got the one-on-one learning that I was needing for that class. Soon, I started noticing I was getting better grades and understanding more and more. Ever since then, I go to office hours like it's my job. I have learned so much more by attending office hours than I ever would by simply attending class.
Throughout the rest of my Penn State career, I have sworn by office hours.  Most of my professors see how much effort I put into their class by asking questions and just going over simple things in office hours, and as a result my grades have benefited. Even if I bombed a test (or two) my professors were willing to make sure I passed if I put the effort in and came in after to try and learn from my mistakes. If you put the effort into a class, most professors will double that effort to help you learn.
Office hours aren't for everyone, I know many people who don't think they benefit from going, but you will never know if they help if you don't go at least a few times. Even if it's to show them your homework before you hand it in to make sure you're understanding it correctly, just try it!
After reading this, I hope you all will take the time to try office hours. I can promise you that it will not hurt! The key word for all of this is EFFORT. If you put effort into a class and that effort shows through to your professor, you'll do just fine.
Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Rachel Phares

Rachel Phares is a senior in Computer Science and a Mentor for WEPO'13.  To read more about Rachel visit her WEPO Profile:!rachel-phares/c1o2y

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