Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Welcome back WEPO Alumni!

Hello WEPO-teers!

My name is Divya Mehta and I will be your Resource Innovations Lead during WEPO’13! Now some of you may be wondering... what is that? Well… it is exactly what it sounds like... I am your resource to innovation! In other words, I am here to connect you with some of the best and brightest Penn State Women Engineers you’ll meet. More than fifty Penn State alumni from all over the country are coming specially to meet YOU… and guess what... they WERE you at one point. They can’t wait to share their advice and experiences during the “Leaders of Tomorrow” dinner! Anyway, I figured I’d take the time to introduce you to at least a couple. Who knows… you may be lucky enough to have one of them at your table!

Name  Christina Webber
Major: Bioengineering
Class: 2012

Favorite Creamery Ice Cream: Lion S'mores
Favorite Restaurant in State College: Green Bowl

Favorite WEP(O) Memory/Event & Why:  Girl Scout Saturdays!!!  I loved getting to connect with future engineers and inspire them while they inspired me :-)

Advice for incoming Class: Get involved!  Go out of your comfort zone a bit and try things on campus that you wouldn't "normally" do, you never know, you may end up finding a new passion!

Name: Kati Shea
Major: Mechanical Engineer
Class: 2013

Favorite Creamery Ice Cream: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Favorite Restaurant in State College: Mamma Mia’s

Favorite WEP(O) Memory/Event & Why: The last WEP meeting I attended before graduation.  It was my favorite because it was the first time I introduced myself as a mechanical engineer.  The feeling that you get saying that you are an engineer makes everything worthwhile.

Advice for incoming Class: Stay true to yourself.  College is a time to really learn yourself and find out who you are.  Therefore, it is great to try something different and experience something new but in the end you have to make sure that you enjoy it and that you are happy.

Name: Nicole Sclafani
Major: Chem E
Class: 2006

Favorite Creamery Ice Cream: Pistachio
Favorite Restaurant in State College: Faccia Luna

Favorite WEP(O) Memory/Event & Why: Spirit Night! We had the best song! 

Advice for incoming Class: Get involved in something! Penn State can be a little overwhelming at first, but if you find some way to make it your own, it's easier to adjust. 

Name: Julie Behr
Major: ME & BIOE
Class: 2013

Favorite Creamery Ice Cream: Cherry Cheesecake
Favorite Restaurant in State College: The Tavern ( / Chipotle, obviously)

Favorite WEP(O) Memory/Event & Why:  Watching the 2011 Rover Skit as Lead Rover!  They set a precedent that was so much better than it had ever been before and I cried like a total weirdo because I was so incredibly proud.

Advice for incoming Class: Don't be afraid to try new things.  This is your time to explore and branch out, and it'll never be easier to do than at the very start of your college career.  If there's something you think you might be interested in participating in, go for it -- pretty much nothing is binding and you can always stop later on if you decide you've taken on too much, but you may regret it later on if you don't even try it out.  Also, never forget that this entire network of women is here for you, and is eager and enthusiastic to help you out in any way you may need it -- alumni included!  You are a Penn Stater now, and that's a badge of honor you should wear proudly, that ties you to a community that genuinely wants to see you succeed.  Congratulations and welcome!  We Are!

Name: Joanna Mayers
Major: Computer Science
Class: 2005

Favorite Creamery Ice Cream: apple cobbler crunch
Favorite Restaurant in State College: The Diner for grilled stickies at midnight!

Favorite WEP(O) Memory/Event & Why: I was a rover for WEPO 2002. That year we had an outdoor boxed picnic lunch but only had one trash can for 100 people to dispose of their trash. A fellow rover and I stayed behind to bag all of the trash that had been piled up around the can and spent the afternoon fighting off bees. it was a miracle when we finished with no bee stings after an hour in the bee swarm until all the trash was collected. A rover has no limit as to what they will do for their WEPOteers!

Advice for incoming Class: Every Penn State engineer knows how to work hard and keep their eye on the prize.  But don't forget to have fun, too! Plan relaxing things in your week to keep the stress down.

Name: Claire (Venturino) Lawson
Major: Industrial Engineering + Masters of Engineering Management
Class: 2007, 2013

Favorite Creamery Ice Cream: Peanut Butter Cup
Favorite Restaurant in State College: The Deli

Favorite WEP(O) Memory/Event & Why:  2004 Rover Skit: WEP-Olympics!

Advice for incoming Class:  Get involved - especially with WEP!  Make the most of the resources available to you and join study groups.  Know that it's ok not to always have perfect grades.  And most importantly - don't forget to have some fun!! 

Name: Sarah Schopman
Major: Bioengineering

Class: 2013

Favorite Creamery Ice Cream: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Favorite Restaurant in State College: Waffle Shop

Favorite WEP(O) Memory/Event & Why:  My first WEPO.   Because I met so many inspiring women, and my best friends!

Advice for incoming Class: Don't ever be afraid to try anything new, and take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way!  Don't say you're going to "save it for later", because later, something bigger and better will be there for you.

Name: Terri Creech
Major: Industrial Engineering
Class: 2012

Favorite Creamery Ice Cream: Monster Mash!
Favorite Restaurant in State College: Cozi Thai

Favorite WEP(O) Memory/Event & Why: My favorite WEPO memory is being the Emcee for the Career Dinner at WEPO 2012. It was great to see all of the WEPOteers networking with each other and with corporate representatives. I really enjoyed facilitating a panel of exceptional WEP Alum as they answered questions from the audience. Every year this event is a great way to acclimate the fresh(wo)men and help them become more comfortable with the career side of college.

Advice for incoming Class: Take (calculated) risks. Some of the most beneficial things I did in college were when I went outside of my comfort zone. Throughout your time here, you'll be presented with more opportunities than you can take. Your mentors and friends will be able to help you sort through your choices and be confident with your decisions.

Name: Anne McAndrew
Major: Chemical Engineering
Class: 2012

Favorite Creamery Ice Cream: WPSU Coffee Break
Favorite Restaurant in State College: Mario’s Italian Restaurant

Favorite WEP(O) Memory/Event & Why:  Being a mentor for WEPO 2010, and then hosting one of WEPO mentees for summer 2013 as an intern for DuPont!  This really represented the importance of networking and forming relationships through WEPO, and also made me so proud to see one of my mentees shine so brightly!  (Also, seeing one of my co-mentor’s mentees rock this year as the Resource Innovations lead!)

Name: Kristina Fong
Major: Civil Engineering (focus on Structures)
Class: 2007

Favorite Creamery Ice Cream: Alumni Swirl
Favorite Restaurant in State College: Irving’s

Favorite WEP(O) Memory/Event & Why: Broomball; As a WEPO participant, I never played broomball before and did not know what to expect.  I’m not a very sports oriented person but my competitive side did come out. It was a great way to meet other participants and future classmates and not to mention, have a LOT of fun. 

Advice for incoming Class: Get involved in a club that interests you.  It’s a great way to meet people and will give you leadership experience.

Name: Meghan Fisher
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Class: 2012

Favorite Creamery Ice Cream: Peanut Butter Swirl (are there other flavors??)
Favorite Restaurant in State College: Cozy Thai……nom nom nom

Favorite WEP(O) Memory/Event & Why: Transforming The Sound of Music’s “Do, Re, Mi” into a glorious WEPO themed musical snack because it was such a beautifully harmonic rendition that everyone was rendered speechless with calm tears afterwards… or it was just fun, you can pick. #WEPO2011

Advice for incoming Class: Study hard and do well in your classes but remember that it’s not the moments spent studying that you will tell stories about. Spend the time to take risks and go on adventures as those are the moments you will truly remember.

Name:  Kasha Kultys
Major:   Mechanical Engineering
Class:  2011

Favorite Creamery Ice Cream: Chocolate
Favorite Restaurant in State College: Otto’s!

Favorite WEP(O) Memory/Event & Why: My last WEPO in 2010 as Lead Rover, seeing all the planning and preparation come together one last time and working right alongside the lifelong friends that I had made at my very first WEPO in 2006.

Advice for incoming Class: 
Keep the bigger picture in mind/keep your eyes on the goal (Graduation!) – one or two (or more) mistakes or failed tests won’t matter much in the long run and we’ve all been in your shoes!
Stay positive!
Be curious
Work hard, but enjoy your time and save time for yourself!

Divya Mehta is a senior in Industrial Engineering and the Resource Innovations Lead for WEPO'13!  To read more about Divya visit her WEPO Profile: http://raindancer45.wix.com/ladyengineers#!divya-mehta/ccpb

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