Tuesday, June 24, 2014

How to Deal with Homesickness

Hi ladies! My name is Julia Selden, I’m a sophomore majoring in chemical engineering, and I’m a Rover for WEPO 2014! When I was in your shoes one short year ago, my anticipation for Penn State was through the roof. I couldn’t wait to have a roommate that wasn’t my sister, become part of activities that Penn State has to offer, and more than anything I couldn’t wait to leave home and become more independent. The adjustment from living at home and at school can be a little shaky during your first year though, and you probably will get homesick. There’s so much change going on in your lives that it’s hard to get accustomed to. Thankfully you women are not alone! Everyone battles homesickness at some point, but the level of homesickness varies from person to person and it could happen at any moment throughout either semester. Homesickness hit me like a brick during my second semester and I originally had no idea what to do to cope with it. These are what helped me during my first year, and I hope they can be of some help to you too!

1) Maintaining contact with your parents/guardians
I feel as though this helped me more than anything during my first year. Your parents know you just as well as you do, probably even better than you know yourself. They know how you cope with stress. They wouldn’t have let you come to Penn State if they didn’t think you weren’t ready to deal with leaving home. And don’t forget; it might be hard for you to adjust, but they’re feeling the same way as you are. (They just have to maintain the strong parent image to make you feel better.) No, you don’t have to contact them every day, but I would suggest at least once a week to touch base. Whether it’s by text, phone call, email, Facebook, Instagram #tbt’s, Skype, pigeon carrier, whatever your heart desires. They are always there to help you, and in November you’ll be right back at home.
Maybe you’re not extremely close with your parents though. If that’s the case, find someone else that is like a parent to you and reach out to them. Or maybe even become closer with your parents! College is all about change, you know.

      2) Get involved!
Everyone is always preaching “Join a club! You’ll make great friends there and it will get your mind off of school work!!” Lucky for you this statement is extremely accurate. From personal experience, joining a club not only gives you a little boost socially, but you’ll forget about wanting to be home so badly because of all the fun you’ll be having! Penn State has over 1000 organizations and clubs that any student can join! It’s super easy to find something that you enjoy to get your mind off of home.

3) Go to sporting events!
If there’s one thing I feel that helped me avoid homesickness during my first semester it was because of the football games, which is one thing that lacked second semester. The atmosphere at football games or any sporting event is enough to release stress, keep you busy, and have a good time. Plus, who doesn’t want to stare at attractive men in athletic wear for a long time ;)

4) Cry (but only if you want to) 
Yes, it is 100% okay to cry. Everyone does it. No one is going to judge you for crying because all you want to do is be at home watching your favorite TV show and eating your favorite home cooked meal.

5) Come to a WEPO Lead, Mentor, or Rover :)
WE’RE HERE TO HELP YOU!!! Anytime, anywhere, for whatever reason. We’ve been in your shoes before. We know how hard it is to deal with missing your bed, your family, and real food, but we’re here to make your lives easier. 

Julia Selden is a sophomore majoring in Chemical Engineering, and she is a Rover for WEPO '14!

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