Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Make Professors Your Ally

A big switch from high school is going to be the classroom dynamic. There won’t be people you’ve known for years sitting next to you, and you have probably never heard of the professor. You will also spend a lot less time in the classroom, so the relationship with your professor is going to be a little harder to build, but I’m going to teach you how to do it.

Meet your professors!

Let’s get real! Some classes your first semester will have 200+ people, and others will have less than 30. Regardless, all of these professors will offer office hours. These are CRUCIAL! Go to your professors office hours the first week. This is a great time because you won’t be too busy with assignments and neither will they. Go to them and just introduce yourself, and tell them your background in the subject (even if it’s your first class in that subject, let them know). This is a great way to start conversation with them. They are happy to have students stop by and build relationships with them. Remember, your professors are human. They love to meet their students and help them in their studies. 

Put office hours in your schedule

As classes pick up, assess which classes you will need the most help in. My first semester, I decided that it was Math 141 for me. I made time each week to go to my professors office hours to check my homework and ask any questions. This doesn’t mean you can only choose one class to do this for, that is just how I did it, but the more professors you know the better off you will be. Do your best to build time into your weekly schedule to go to office hours. Maintaining this will show your professor that you care about the class and are doing your best. It will also give you a much deeper understanding of the topic if you are getting help from your professor so often. Their office hours will not be very crowded if it is not near an exam day which means there will also be time to talk to them and get to know them. Learn about their research and their academic background. Maybe they can help guide you and help you find what you are interested in. Professors know a lot more than just the class they teach. One on one time with a professor is super valuable, take an advantage of it whenever you can.

Office hours get overwhelming the week of an exam. 
Especially in big classes, there will be tons of students trying to get to these last minute office hours. It is hard to get your questions answered and you will not get the same sort of attention. This is not the same as going regularly, and often the professor will see so many people that week, you will not stand out. This is why it is important to see your professors beforehand and not save everything for the last minute. 

Why is it important to know your professor?

Having this relationship is very beneficial for multiple reasons. First and foremost, the class itself will be a little easier because you are not holding on to any questions and you are proactively looking at the material ahead of time. The other great benefit is creating this strong relationship with your professor will put you in a great position when unexpected things happen. Examples of this might be having to miss a class because you had to go home, or if you need an extension on some work. Your professor will be much more lenient and caring for you if they know you and know you care about the class. A great example of this was the spring 2020 semester when COVID struck. We were all unexpectedly sent home and faced tons of issues. I had built a relationship with my professors, so when I ran into issues (which I did multiple times) they were really accommodating and helpful because they knew me personally and knew I cared about their classes. You will also eventually need letters of recommendation (for scholarships, study abroad, leadership positions, grad school, etc.) and if you do not have a personal connection with a professor, it will be hard to get a good one. Professors might also offer you opportunities to work with them in their research, as a teaching assistant, or grader! 
Your professors can be your mentors and ally, you just have to put yourself in the position to make it possible. 

Other Tips and Tricks to Build a Relationship With Your Professor

  • Sit in the front
    - This is an underrated method that professors DO NOTICE! I had professors give me points back on exams because they saw me in class everyday since I sat in the front.
  • Ask questions in class (if you have them)
  • If your professor asks a question, don't be shy, answer it!
    - While sometimes it's intimidating to raise your hand, no one will judge you for doing it and your professor will appreciate it.
  •  Go to class
    - Self explanatory, but easy to do and very important!
  • Know what your professor wants to be called (Dr.,Mrs./Mr., first name)
    - If they do not give you permission to call them by their first name, don't try it!
You do not need to be going to office hours three times a week for every class, but make sure all of your professors know who you are and take time to get to know your professors early.

Andrea Castsaneda
Team D Mentor

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