Sunday, July 25, 2021

Managing Time

 Managing Time

By: Team D

Managing School Work

Once you have your schedule, it can look like you have tons of free time compared to high school. However, free time during the day is one of the best times to get your work done! I like to stop in the library or the HUB between classes to grab a snack/drink (there is a Starbucks in both!) and get some work done. Utilizing time during the day will allow you to have time in the evening for clubs and activities. Additionally, it’s often easier to work on homework a little bit at a time, as problem sets can be complex. Plus, if you start early, you’ll be able to utilize office hours or the tutoring centers if you get stuck!

Ways to Managing Clubs/Activities

There are many ways you can stay organized in your clubs/activities. Using a calendar to keep track of all the meetings you have can be very helpful. Some clubs create google calendars that you can add to your own calendar. This will allow you to make sure that you aren’t over-scheduling yourself. Additionally, I found it helpful to keep a mini notebook or folder on your computer of meeting notes and important documents you have.

Ways to Manage your Schedule

There are many ways you can plan. For some people, using a planner helps to keep them organized. For others, it is to use an online calendar. I personally like to use both. In my planner, I like to write out all the homework, midterms, projects, quizzes, and final exams I will have throughout the semester. On my google calendar, I like to put the times I have classes, exams, clubs, and anything I want to do in my free time. I’ll share some of my tips on how I like to keep organized and how I manage my schedule.

Tips for Organizing your Planner:

·        Once you get your syllabi, go through, and make note of all the assignments, projects, quizzes, and exams you will have

·        Go through your planner week by week and write down what homework is due, if you have any projects due, and if there is an exam/quiz that week

·        Color-code, whether it be by class or by assignment type. Keep the color-coding simple, so that it does not look overwhelming

Tips for Organizing your Google Calendar

Once you know your schedule, input it into google calendar with the time and days it meets and its location (this is also a good place for zoom links!)

·        Then add the office hours or guided study groups, for the class you want to attend. I do not put the ones in that I know conflict with my classes. Only add the times that will work for your schedule

·        Add in the exams that have been scheduled and if you know the location add them too

·        (If you are not using a physical planner) Add in the assignments’ due dates (if due at a certain time, add the time. If due at midnight set them to all day)

·        If you are in a club, add the time that the club meets every week, even if you do not plan on attending.

·        Add any sporting event you want to attend. For example, I like to attend football and volleyball games. So, if there was a game I wanted to attend, I would add it to my schedule.

·        Lastly, choose a color for each event type to differentiate between them (and to make it look nicer). Try to keep it as simple as possible and try to not choose too many colors.

Below is an example of what my schedule could look like at any given week:

Once you have your schedule planned out, you can see when you have free time to do homework, study, go to the gym, grab food with a friend, etc.

Everyone has a different way of planning and managing time, so do not compare your method to anyone else’s. If a certain way works for you, keep it that way. The most important thing is that you dedicate the time to organizing your schedule in a way that makes you happy. Sometimes it even helps to schedule in time for self-care or time with friends to ensure you’re keeping a balanced schedule.

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