Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Making Your Meal Plan Last

It’s the end of fall semester and you are running out of meal points! Oh no!! How do you manage to eat for a couple more weeks especially with finals coming up? Have no fear! I’m going to provide you with some tips and tricks for making those last few dollars count.

1. Drinks
Have a reusable water bottle. Not only is it good for the environment it means you don’t have to buy a bottle of water every day.

If you drink coffee or tea you are going to want to try your best to make it in your room. If you must buy coffee, get it from the commons and get black coffee with room for milk and sugar. This only costs about $0.70 so it won’t break the bank.

2. On Campus Dining
When you don’t have a lot of money left you cannot go to the HUB for anything. The food and Starbucks will be super expensive and you will run out of money so much faster

Going to the buffet will give you the most for your money.

Highly recommend going to brunch on Sundays. Go, eat, and then you’ll be ready to study for the rest of the day. It’s like two meals for the price of one!

3. Finals Week
During finals week there are a lot of de-stressing activities that involve free food. Go to them!! It will help you relax and you will get a bite to eat.

4. Off-Campus Dining
If you are running really low don’t be afraid to get a pizza with some friends. If you split it with a couple of people it won’t be too expensive.

By: Ashley Southwick (Mentor Team K) 

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