Monday, July 22, 2019

Creating, Designing, and Engineering Balance

“Balance is not something you find, but rather something you create” – Jana Kingsford

As future engineers we love to build, so why not build balance into our lives? Here are my simple tips to creating balance in your mind, body, and soul!

-Start and End the Day with 5 things you’re grateful for: This works wonders for me. Not only does it give me a reason to smile but makes me feel grounded. Many times, I surprised myself with how far past 5 my list would be. 

-Rest: No matter how tired my brain was at the end of the day; I would never fall asleep unless I was also physically tired. It also helped me fall asleep if I followed the same routine each night before bed. Sleep is a necessity, not an option. 

-ask for help: ask early. ask often. It’s not a sign of weakness. There are so many people in your life and on campus who would be more than happy to help you so reach out. 

-don’t be afraid to say no: I have the worst fear of missing out, but our time is limited at Penn State so we must be intentional with our actions. Never feel bad for sticking to your priorities. College is a place where you are investing time and effort in yourself so choose the ways in which you want to grow. 

-fake it till you make it: walk with confidence. Keep your head up. College is overwhelming for everyone at some point. Be the best you each day because the world could ask for nothing more. 


-Make exercising a social event: Going to the gym with a friend, classes (PowerRemix, Cycling, Mind Meditation Yoga are HIGHLY recommended!!!), or an intramural team makes workouts fun! For me, it turned going to the gym from a chore to a time of the day I looked forward to. It also ensured that I actually made it to the gym. Lol! 

-Drink water: I ALWAYS had a refillable water bottle on me at all times. To spice up your water bottle, add some fun Penn State stickers! …and you will be so glad you had water when that sneak cough attack hits you in the middle of lecture!

-Plan ahead: I like to plan my breakfast the night before that way I know I’m starting my day with a meal to fuel me throughout the day! Based on my class schedule, I would also PACK SNACKS (peaches, apples, cereal bar, cereal, animal crackers, etc.) 

-Clean Hands: With so many kids on campus, this is a must. I wash my hands before eating and carry hand sanitizers in my backpack. I also used Lysol wipes to clean my dorm light switch, door handle, microwave buttons, and desk once a week. 

-Sunscreen: As crazy as I may sound with how cold it gets, this may be needed on some football Saturdays at the beginning of the season!

-Vary your meals: I found that varying dining halls allowed me not only a greater selection, but a more well-rounded diet. Some of my favorites include… 
East-Salads, Sunday Brunch
South-Paninis, Bagels, Tacos
Pollock-Crepes, Fruit


-Step outside of your comfort zone: try new things. meet new people. Push yourself to grow. One goal I set out for myself freshman year was to always be the first to say hello (whether that be seeing a friend around campus or a stranger in class)

-be passionate: passion radiates so find your passion and use it to propel you. Things that I’m passionate about…
Global mindset
Bringing others up alongside me
Simplifying life (and processes) 
Taking action

-the 16th second: the reward of some achievements gives us an adrenaline rush for 15 seconds, but time continues on, so find something that will bring you joy in the 16th second. Personally, I want to build relationships that will survive more than four years and far beyond the Happy Valley.

I truly wish you all the best during your time here at Penn State! Always here if you need anything☺

Gretchen Riggle

Team G Envoy

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