Friday, July 12, 2019

Getting Started on LinkedIn

How To Get Started On ...

Before I started college, I did not know what an incredible resource LinkedIn was. I hope that this information will help you get started!

What is LinkedIn and why should I make a profile?
LinkedIn is the social media platform of the professional world. It shares the same concepts as other social media platforms, like Instagram: having a profile, posting content, and reading through a news feed. On LinkedIn, you network with people by adding them as “connections”. To add, 9 in 10 companies use LinkedIn to hire people! As a college student, LinkedIn is a fantastic outlet for making meaningful connections and learning about new opportunities. You can follow companies or organizations that you are interested in- even Penn State has their own page! Recruiters may even use your LinkedIn profile as a tool when you are seeking out an internship. Plus, it is never too early to start “building your brand” and create a positive, professional presence online!

Create a Professional Profile
Your profile will change over time as you gain experience doing an internship, working on research, or getting involved in clubs at Penn State! Here are a few steps to lay a good foundation for your profile:

  • Profile Picture: LinkedIn found that people with a picture get 14x more views! This picture should be a professional looking headshot of you alone- no selfies! 

  • Headline: This goes below your profile picture and is visible when people are searching to add to their network . Make it easy for people to understand who you are with a short statement such as “Mechanical Engineering Student at Penn State University”. 

  • Sections: You can choose to add work experience, education, and volunteer work to your profile here! Think of it as your “online” resume. 
Education → To enhance this section, add what “Activities and Societies” you are involved with on campus. A great start is the Women in Engineering Program and you can add more as you get involved on campus! This is valuable because if recruiters see that you have involvement in the same organization that they were in, it might help you earn some bonus points with them!
Experience → Just as you would with a normal resume, add a few bullet points starting with action verbs to define your experience. Remember, every experience you have is valuable because it helps you develop skills that will help you in the future! An example:
Camp Counselor
      • Collaborated with camp director to implement daily schedules and curriculum
      • Guided students through team building activities 

  • Skills & Endorsements: If you are fluent in another language, have special certifications, or know how to code in a certain language, this is a great way to highlight what makes you unique! People that you have worked for or studied under can even endorse these skills so future employers know you are the real deal! (Just make sure to not oversell your abilities.)

Don’t forget- you can continue to improve your profile by learning from what other people did well- always be curious! Aside from all of the networking you can do on LinkedIn, there are so many interesting and informational articles/posts that can give you a new perspective! 

Marissa Beighley 
Team D Envoy 

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