Thursday, August 13, 2020

What Should I Do on the Weekend: HUB Late Night Edition

One of my favorite things to do on the weekend is attend the HUB Late Night festivities. Each week, Thursday through Saturday, the Student Programming Association puts on events and activities in the HUB. All these events are what I consider to be “fake free.” You don’t pay anything for it when you show up because your student fees have already paid for all these activities, so you should definitely take advantage of these opportunities since you’ve already paid for them! Here are some of the activities that you can find in the HUB on any Thursday, Friday, or Saturday night.


My favorite part of HUB Late Night is definitely the movies. They play recently released movies, and sometimes I’ve seen movies that are so new, they’re still in theatres! My friends and I have gone to see movies including Frozen 2, Knives Out, Solo: A Star Wars Story, Won’t You Be My Neighbor (I cried through this entire documentary) and On the Basis of Sex- to just name a few! The movies play every Thursday at 10 pm, Friday at 7 pm, 9:30 pm and midnight, and Saturday at 7 pm, 9:30 and midnight. Make sure you bring your student ID with you since they check at the door of the auditorium! On several occasions, my friends and I have considered going to pay to see a new movie, but then we remember that the HUB late night will probably play it in a few weeks for free. It’s definitely a fun way to spend your weekend and watch a great film.


HUB Late Nights also has fun crafts to do! The craft changes each week, but regardless of what it is, I’ve found it’s always a great way to get your creative side out and destress after a long week. My friends and I like to watch an earlier movie and then do the craft after while we’re analyzing the movie! Freshman year, I painted a pet “rock” owl in Penn State blue and white colors. It sat on my desk all of freshman year and it brightened my spirits during all of my late night study sessions.


Burger King - Barnes Crossing Rd.Sadly, the food isn’t free, but they still have great deals on the weekends at some of the food options in the HUB. On Friday nights, Sbarro has a special where you can get a piece of cheese or pepperoni pizza for $1.50. I could consume pizza for every single meal, but if pizza isn’t your jam, they also have a $2.99 pasta special on Friday nights. On Saturday night, Burger King has the specials instead of Sbarro. Some of the specials include $0.69 hamburgers, $0.79 cheeseburgers, $1.99 for 10 chicken nuggies, or $1.29 for a small fry. 

Whether you’re looking for a great film, a fun craft, or awesome discounts on your favorite fast food, the HUB Late Night activities are the perfect place to spend your weekend. I hope to see you there!

Kara Miller

Team L Mentor

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