Thursday, July 20, 2017

Engineers Made in Germany

This summer I studied abroad in Germany for 6 weeks!!  During this experience, I had the time of my life!  I may have been nervous at the start, but my experience was life-changing and I hope each of you can have a similar experience during your time at Penn State.  The program I chose combined in-class learning with trips to engineering companies and also a variety of cultural experiences!

Abby, at BMW world in Munich

When I first came to Penn State, studying abroad sounded like more of a dream than reality .  I was really excited when I found out that this was not the case!  It is actually very easy to make it happen. Anyone can do it with a little bit of planning.  I first found out about my program at a Study Abroad Ice Cream Social in Kunkle Lounge at the beginning of my first semester at Penn State.  I was able to speak to students who had just come back from the program.  I was immediately amazed by all the experiences they had in only 6 weeks.  I was a little nervous to travel. I would be so far from home with students I didn’t know for the summer, but I have no regrets after jumping in to this program!

The entire group of program participants at an overlook of the town we stayed in, Pforzheim

The program that I was a part of is called Engineers Made in Germany and is a joint program between Penn State, Lehigh, Rutgers, UMass Lowell, and Pforzheim University in Germany.  There were about 40 students who participated and we all became the best of friends, even though none of us knew one another before we got here!  Three days a week we had class—learning a variety of topics in the lecture series, German, and Production and Supply Chain Management, altogether 9 credits.  Then we would have at least one company visit every week, getting to see engineering companies and how their production and assembly lines compared.  Finally we got to visit Munich and Berlin for two long weekends as part of the program.  On the excursions we were able to experience the culture in the different regions of Germany.  Every moment of those 6 weeks were the time of my life, having so many new and exciting experiences and making lifelong friendships.  

The Lennon Wall in Prague

As exciting as the program planned events were, on the free weekends we traveled around Europe.  I got to visit Switzerland, Austria, and the Czech Republic while I was abroad with a few of the program participants.  I learned so much traveling with my friends about interacting with people from all over the world.  Coming into this program, the only language I knew was English.  Now I can say “hello” and “thank you” in so many languages. I have also perfected my charades for communicating with those who don’t speak English.  

Neuschwanstein Castle

I would recommend studying abroad to everyone! I learned so much about engineering, experienced a new culture, ate delicious food, and made lasting friendships with some amazing people.  Before this experience, I was nervous because I didn’t speak the language and I did not know anybody else on the trip.  I am so glad that I stepped out of my comfort zone and into Germany!  It has expanded my horizons and forever changed my perspective!  Studying abroad will be the experience of a lifetime if you can just give yourself a push out of your own comfort zone.
By: Abby Keppel

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