Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Top 10 Dorm Room Essentials

There are many lists floating around on the internet laying out what YOU need to make your room feel like a home. However, what they lack are the smaller essentials that are often forgotten. These are the little things that put that finishing touch on the room and help to make your room clean, functional, and organized. They can easily be forgotten when running around gathering pictures, snacks and making sure you have a full shower caddie. So here are the essential items that will be sure to complete your room packing list:

  1. Scented Paper Drawer Liners: You can place these paper liners in your dresser drawers and they will keep your clothes smelling fresh.. Any leftover lining can be used to cover the corkboard in the rooms. This adds a decorative touch and serves as an air freshener.  You can find these at Bed Bath and Beyond and they come in multiple patterns and scents.
Image result for draw liner
  1. Bed risers: They are a must have as they create much needed storage space. The increased space under your bed allows for storage of everything from your suitcase and spare boxes, to a jar of pretzels for a convenient midnight snack. With the rooms being on the small side, all space must be utilized fully, and these bed risers allow just that.
Image result for bed risers

  1. Plastic Wash Dish Tub: This is a small tub that can be found at any home goods store. It should be just big enough for you to fit your dishes, cups and bottles in. This makes it much easier when you are trying to take all your dirty dishes to the sink in the bathroom to wash them. It also serves as a storage area for them when they are clean. You don’t want to be that resident that is dropping their dishes and silverware down the hallways. Pick one of these up.
Image result for plastic wash basin

  1. Command hooks: There is nothing command hooks can’t do. They are strong, sturdy and can hang everything and anything. They are perfect for when you want to put up string lights, or hang your favorite picture. I would always put a small command hook on the side of my desk so that when I came back to my room I could hang my key on it, so it would never get lost. They come in all shapes and sizes, including some thinner ones that are ideal for mounting posters. If you plan to do any decorating these are a must have.
Image result for command hooks

  1. Box Fan: It can occasionally get hot and stuffy in your room, and the box fans fit right into the window so you can get that cool breeze. But don't worry! There is still plenty of window space for those window stickers you brought. Hot nights are uncomfortable and can disrupt sleep and studying. A fan wafting in the cool mountain air will certainly be the perfect solution.
Image result for box fan
  1. Brita: The thin Brita pitchers fit perfectly in the door of the mini fridges in the dorms. They can easily be filled up at the water fountains or sinks throughout the floor. It is very refreshing to have access to cold filtered water right in your room. You can save money by not having to purchase water bottles, and won’t have to shuffle down the dark hallways in your pjs if you wake up thirsty in the middle of the night.
Image result for brita pitcher
  1. Throw rug: Some of the rooms have tile flooring and others are carpeted. Either way it is nice to have a cute rug to throw on the floor. The floors can get chilly in the colder months so it's a great way to start the day when your first step off your bed is into a soft warm fuzzy rug. It can really make your room feel much cozier and throw in a little color and personality.
Image result for throw rug

  1. Power Strip/ Extension cords: One of the common problems we face in this era of technology is not having enough outlets. Either that or their locations around your room are never where you need them. The outlets are either too far from your desk or bed to reach so it is always handy to have a power strip or extension cord. It is also beneficial to have multiple outlets at your desk for your phone, computer, lamp, printer and so on to be plugged into. These help keep your wires and cords organized and accessible. No tripping over computer chargers stretched across the floor.
Image result for extension cord

  1. Duct Tape: Duct tape, duct tape, duct tape. Not enough can be said about its usefulness.  Everyone knows that it fixes everything, however, for a college student on a budget there is no better tool to have lying around. Something breaks or rips. Patch it up. Trouble keeping those cords from getting tangled up and wrapped around everything? Tape them up to the walls to keep them organized and out of the way. You never know what issues might arise living in your room, but there's a very good chance that duct tape will be your solution.
Image result for duct tape
  1. Full Length Mirror: Your room will come with mirrors in them but you never know where they will be or what size. You can get mirrors that can hang over the door or you can always use command hooks to stick them to the door or a wall. This allows you to ensure you're getting to see your whole outfit without having to stand in all different areas or on a chair. Besides everyone likes to see how good they look before heading out to conquer your classes.

Image result for full length mirror
By: Madison DeWitt

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