Wednesday, July 12, 2017

How To Pack the Car for Move in Day

The hardest part when moving into the halls at Penn State is knowing how to pack. Fitting nine months worth of clothes, furniture and food into one car is a difficult task made easier with a few helpful hints.

Image result for Packed car
The first and most important thing women pack is their clothes. The key to packing clothes is to bring only the clothes you wear in the summer and fall. Packing bulky winter clothes before they are needed wastes too much space in the car and ultimately your dorm. When packing clothes, I found air tight bags to be very helpful. These bags turn a suitcase full of clothes into the size of a pillow and make packing the car much easier. Putting clothes into things that have openings like hampers and containers also help save space.

The bulkiest thing that has to be packed is the furniture you bring for your room. Bedside tables, closet drawers and any other type of furniture, should be kept in their original boxes, not assembled. Also, try to stack the boxes from heaviest to lightest to prevent anything from breaking.

Many people believe food should be packed at the house and brought to Penn State on move in day. I found I saved valuable space in the car by waiting to food shop until after arriving at PSU. There is a Super Walmart, Target and Wegmans all nearby that sell the foods every student needs for their room.

A few other things that provided more storage space in the car are cargo carriers that go on the back and roof of your car. These tools are great for storing things like comforters, pillows, blankets and any other soft items. If seats in the car are taken by family members and friends, these carriers provide more space outside of the car.

Doing these things to save space and pack efficiently will make move in day at State College much easier!

By: Lindsay Mitchell

1 comment:

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