Monday, July 16, 2018

Tip #13 Keep your Netflix close, and your new friends closer

That title is not talking about the TV show Friends!!! It’s talking about your real besties, roomies, homies, buds, BFFs or whatever word you may use. College may be a time to become an individual and find your path in life, but you need friends and support to do so. Having people in your life is not a weakness, friends are the reason that we are all sane throughout this crazy time of our lives. Speaking from experience, friends have gotten me through a lot throughout my first year, as well as me being there for friends in times of need.
         You may be thinking; okay what friends are you talking about? The answer is all of them!! Yes, I mean those old school friends you met when you were five and the friends you are going to make at orientation and .... you guessed it WEPO 2018. Did you ever hear the quote, “make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other is gold”? You will need those gold and silver friends to support you during your first year. Throughout the semester you might seem down but calling up your best friend for a pep talk is completely normal! This helped me a lot throughout my first year. After a rough exam or homework assignment, it may be good to contact old besties, but with this being said, you also need those friends that are right there, potentially a roommate or another friend that only lives a couple of dorms away. There will always be someone there for you to talk with in person, to grab dinner with or with whom to study. Reminding yourself that you are not alone, and that there are people that want to help you is an important aspect of college. I am not going to lie, the first year of college was tough, but without friends, I could not have done it. You have to keep those besties from home close along with the friends you have made here at PSU. Both will help you greatly throughout your first year.
         Hold up! I am not saying spend every waking moment with your new-found BFF. You must manage your time, you are an engineer major after all. This means there’s going to be a lot of studying, but I know you can do it if you surround yourself with the right people. That is another key to these new collegiate friendships, make sure you all have the same goals: study hard and then find time to unwind. Friends are an amazing gift but without time management things can go awry. You have to also remember that not everyone is your friend, classes come and go and you meet new people every single day, but if you search in the right places, you will find people just like you!
         Having friends and support are so important for your mental health because people that share the same issues help you get through it faster and with less stress. Friends make the enjoyable moments even brighter and stressful ones bearable. I know you will find your place at PSU and make the best out of your first year, but don’t stress your because your friends got your back. And if you feel nervous, don’t worry, the WEPO 2018 team will always be there for you. Don’t ever be afraid to reach out to your mentors, mine got me through a lot in my first year and now we are great friends!
Good luck with all you do and dream big you because only get to experience college once. Take this wonderful opportunity and soak up every second.

By: Alexis Sheeto (Envoy Team E)

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